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 Systemic Family Constellations 

Explore your ancestral lineage, settle your present life.

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Starting at birth, we make unconscious contracts to be accepted and survive in our family and community. Family and Systemic Constellations is an effective and rewarding process that untangles us from the unconscious loyalties that originate within our ancestral lineage.  As we explore and release the constriction that results from these contracts, we experience a burden shift and a broader horizon of possibility.


Sunday September 29th, 2024 is the Austin Constellations Circle. Invite coming soon!


A world-wide practice developed by Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist and missionary, Family Systemic Constellations a therapeutic, transformative process that helps identify and resolve chronic, serious personal issues that repeat over generations. 


When generational suffering is kept silent, disruptions caused by war, death, loss of land and home, violence, outcast ancestors due to illness or life choice, the perpetual cycle of perpetrator and victim it resists integration into the family system.


This causes unconscious loyalties and patterns to develop, perpetuating an ancestral tangle of victim and perpetrator. As decedents, we can fall into a trance state, not fully engaged or conscious when receiving or sharing, which can deplete our resources and hold us in a web of fear.


As a trained Family Systemic Constellation facilitator, I work with people solo or within a circle of seekers ready to discover and settle persistent patterns of behavior, inexplicable feelings of guilt, shame and anger that are often carried over from our lineage and lived throughout our relationships with partners, friends and colleagues.


 How a Family Constellations Circle works:


In a Constellations circle, a group of representatives , uses their bodies to somatically as instruments of perception, creating a collective wisdom that contributes to the Seeker and the constellation.


Participation in a Circle constellation happens in one of three ways.


The SEEKER:  receives the constellation, bringing  an issue or pattern of behavior that you would

like to experience differently, personal relationships, family dynamics,  finances, overall well-being in the world.


As a REPRESENTATIVE:  is chosen by the Seeker or facilitator to represent a key person, emotion, or element that is relevant to the seeker’s intention/issue during the Constellation. As you step into the Field to represent, you somatically feel what it’s like to have the emotions and perspective of others.


As a WITNESS: observers and holds space during the Constellation. A witness often receives deep insights from watching the Constellation evolve.


As the Family Constellation process evolves, the map of our inner and family dynamics outside of ourselves comes into clarity. We step into the brain’s right hemisphere, with its connection to the body, emotions, and its orientation to our relational world.


During the Constellation Circle, our singular brain is nourished and held by other brains in the group. As a trained Family Constellation facilitator, create an experience of warmth, resonance, precision and safety.  A Constellation allows us to time-stamp traumatic events and reconcile with the parts of ourselves (and/or the parts of our families) who suffered. We make sense of what has occurred before, bringing that knowledge into the present.


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blessings of a female lineage

" The limitations of the past will surely

s how  up in the future."

~ Suzi Tucker, Constellations master teacher

Systemic Ritual Constellations

 I often draw on the methods and practices of Systemic Ritual®   

Daan van Kampenhout, an artist, and Shamanic practitioner trained in Family Constellations based in the Netherlands.  In this form of systemic work, the emphasis is more on the essence or archaic structure of a family story than on the specific precise details. Experience has shown that systemic ritual can be a powerful method for groups in which people and/or their ancestors share a collective trauma or difficult history such as war, slavery, persecution, natural disasters, forced migration and/or others.Thorough research of the combination of constellations and elements of Shamanic Ritual. The aim is to create healing by connecting to more expansive ancestral fields and their resources, strength and support. I've worked with Suzanne Hazen, who leads Systemic Ritual Constellations workshops in Amsterdam and on line. 


In person Austin Circle meets September 29th, from 1pm to 3:30pm

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© 2025 Candyce Lucien Rusk  ~  Austin, Texas USA

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